Monday, January 22, 2007

Good Morning?

It is morning, isn't it? Technically it's 1:06am. It's past midnight, am I right?

So I clogged the toilet again.. what's wrong with me? What do I shit large lumps of shit? God, that's really disgusting, since I'm a girl and all.

I have been having urges lately. Urges to just kiss somebody. I've had a thought of doing that with one of my guy friends, but totally not a good idea. I mean, he's not even cute! (He sorta is.. in his own way..) I had a dream last night about him though. We were hugging eachother a lot, with his nice warm puffy jacket. It's a great feeling. But I was probably hugging my covers haha!

Dang, my hands are cold. I have to wake up sooooo early tomorrow. Squash is really fun. It's close to tennis, and tennis is sexy.

I've been having urges for vitamin water too! Oh man, I miss that shit. I gotta go back to the US to get some. Speaking of the US, my mom isn't letting me go to New York, sure I don't really mine all that much. But all my friends are going. I've been there many times, but all those times were with my boring ass family. Going with friends is probably better. Way better. So screw you mom. I'll go ask dad if I could go.

Yeah my parents are in a fight again, how typical. I'd hate to end up like my mom, stubborn ass bitch. Jesus christ. Alright, I'm gonna go to bed and stuff.

Good night mes cheries! <3

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